Charity Events

Photos & Videos

I have found that giving back to those in need is an awesome & rewarding experience. The ZUMBA corporation promotes community service and I have met many Zumba instructors who are very generous with their time and have been willing to participate in several 2 hour ZUMBAthons to raise money.  Instructors from througout the DC-Metro area have raised over $20,000.00 by doing special these special charity events which include:  


1. Haiti Earthquake Victims

2. Sol De la Calle (Shelter for Abused Animals in Columbia)

3. Cervical Rib Surgery for Daniel

4. Breast Cancer Awareness (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013)

5. Autism Research

6. Brain Tumor Research

7. American Heart Association

8. Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Victims

9. Alabama Tornado Victims

10. Wegene Ethiopian Foundation

11. Stand Against Cancer 

Breast Cancer Awareness 2013

Stand Against Cancer 5/18/2013

Wegene Ethiopian foundaton Zumba charity event

Photographer Hewan Alemayehu at


Alabama Tornado Victims

Pink Party for Breast Cancer awareness zumbathon 2011

HOPE for Japan Disaster Relief ZUMBAthon

Japan and American Flag logo

Our faithful Zumba participants, guests, and volunteer instructors raised $4000 in support of Japan's Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Relief.  All funds were donated to the American Red Cross.

Party Hearty ZUMBAthon

Party Hearty Logo

We wore RED and rocked at Club Rachel Saturday March 19 at the  Party Hearty  ZUMBAthon to benefit the American Heart Association. We had close to 300 people and raised over $3000 for this worthy cause.  Thanks to all the Zumba instructors from the DC-MD-VA area who volunteered their time and a special thanks to all the people who helped make this event a success.  


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